
Our Hospice Services are a compassionate, specialized healthcare service designed to care for terminally ill patients and their families at home or in a nursing facility. Our goal is to provide quality of life and assist with the patient’s physical, psychological and spiritual needs. The hospice team covers a large service area and has the ability to interact with patients within two to four hours of receiving the referral. 

The comprehensive program we offer includes:

  • Nursing Services: We have a nurse on call 24-hours a day that will visit your home or a nursing facility one-to-two times per week, or as needed.
  • Physician Management: Each patient may continue to see their personal physician. We also have a medical director that can serve as a back-up when needed.
  • Hospice Aide Services: Our home health aides will assist with personal care, such as bathing, and can provide homemaker services.
  • Hospice Volunteers: Trained and certified, our volunteers offer companionship and caregiver relief to patients and families.
  • Medications: Medications relating to the illness are paid for by our hospice services, in most cases.
  • Medical Equipment: Equipment needed by the patient is paid for by our hospice services, in most cases.
  • Dietary Counseling: Our nurses are trained to support nutritional needs and we have a dietitian available for consultations.
  • Respite Care: Our respite care provides caregivers time to rest by placing the patient into short-term inpatient care.
  • Medical Social Worker: We have social workers to assist patients and families with their emotional, financial and resource needs. They visit one-to-two times per month, or as needed.
  • Pastoral Services: Assisting patients and families with their spiritual needs, a clergy member visits one-to-two times per month, or as needed.
  • Bereavement Services: We have bereavement counselors and provide emotional support to families after death.
  • Grief Support Group: Our support group meets the third Thursday of each month at 3 p.m. at Home Services located at 1703 N. Second Street in Clinton.