Golden Valley Memorial Healthcare COVID-19 Vaccination Process
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Golden Valley Memorial Healthcare COVID-19 Vaccination Process

Clinton, Mo. – (Jan. 13, 2021) – Golden Valley Memorial Healthcare (GVMH) received its first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. Per guidelines set by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for vaccine administration, GVMH has been administering those doses to its staff.

Next, GVMH will be providing the vaccine to other healthcare personnel who may have direct or indirect exposure to COVID-19 and are unable to work from home, such as chiropractors, dentists, emergency medical services, optometrists, school nurses and therapy providers.

Once the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) determines Phase 1A has been completed, GVMH will move on to Phase 1B which includes high risk individuals (18-64), individuals over 65, first responders and essential workers.

High-risk people include those with a BMI over 20, chronic kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic heart disease, diabetes or hypertension.

Essential workers include childcare workers, critical manufacturing workers, energy workers, food and agriculture workers, teachers and education staff, as well as water and wastewater workers.

At this time, GVMH does not have information on when it will be able to provide the vaccine to all Missourians, but will keep you informed. To learn more about the phases of how the vaccine will be administered, visit

“We are committed to providing a free COVID-19 vaccination to as many Missourians as possible,” said Craig Thompson, CEO at Golden Valley Memorial Healthcare. “I received a vaccination and strongly encourage everyone to consider getting immunized. In the meantime, it is critical that we all wear masks, social distance and wash our hands to help reduce the chance of being exposed to the virus or spreading it to others. Each one of us can make a difference.”

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ